12 летний Абхиманью Мишра самый молодой гроссмейстер
12 летний Абхиманью Мишра стал самым молодым гроссмейстером в истории шахмат.
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Каспаров справляет день рождения, пресс-конференция Дворковича
День рождения Каспарова, интервью Дворковича, «Uide Bol Cup» 2020.
В предпоследнюю неделю уходящего года в Москве проходил очередной турнир поколений «Щелкунчик».
Приближается чемпионат в Саудовской Аравии
С 26 по 30 декабря в столице Саудовской Аравии Эр-Рияде пройдет чемпионат мира по рапиду и блицу.
Уже ставший знаменитым турнир пройдет в российской столице с 19 февраля (день приезда) по 2 марта (день отъезда).
Кубок мира стартует в Тбилиси.
128 гроссмейстеров разыграют две путевки в турнир претендентов.
Lesson 8. Check and checkmate. Outcome of the game.
Let us discuss concepts of check and checkmate once again.
Check is an attack to opponent's king.
There are three options to protect from the check:
In the setup shown in the diagram black rook checked the white king. The whites are able to block with three following options:
Checkmate is the check with no protection.
In this setup black rook also attacked the white king, but the king has no way to move away, nothing to hide behind, and also there is nothing to capture black rook. So that's a checkmate, blacks has won.
Altogether there are three types of outcomes in the chess game:
Based on traditional recording system: 1 point is given for the win, 0.5 points for the draw and 0 for defeat.
Statistically white wins more often than black, as they make the first move. Win is awarded to any party in case if opponent is checkmated or if any party gives away by means of inevitable defeat. Chess is played on time in professional competitions that is, each player is given a certain amount of time to think. Defeat is recorded if time runs out.
What draw is, and when it is declared, we are going to study in the next lesson.
All lessons:
1. Conversance to chess game. Chessboard.
2. Chess pieces. Placement of pieces on the board.
3. How to move pieces? Pawn, knight.
4. How to move pieces? Bishop, rook.
5. How to move pieces? Queen, king.
6. Comparative strength of pieces and goal of the game
7. Castling, EN passant,
8. Checkmate. Result of the game.
9. Draw in chess.
10. Recording chess game
11. Importance of practical training
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